Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Relating To GOD: Passion or Performance

All too often, in today's society, even we (as CHRIST-ians) get caught up in measuring our personal worth and justifying our existence based on performance. What we DO, how we DO, when we DO, how well we DO, how much we DO, and on and on. Our lives seem to have become one overwhelming "TO DO" list that grows by the minute and eventually, takes on a life of its own...sometimes at our expense.

We plaster the walls of our offices and homes with plaques, awards, and certificates. We build personal shrines to ourselves filled with over-sized trophies, paraphernalia, and other souvenirs in an effort to immortalize ourselves by declaring the quantity and quality of our accomplishments. Before we know it, the measure of our personal greatness ceases to be the standard set by GOD, through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. Rather, the standard for my personal value, and yours, becomes very subtilely and dangerously set by the constant, relentless, and insatiable demand for performance. DO MORE! DO IT FASTER! DO IT BETTER! The worst of all, DO MORE, FASTER, AND BETTER than Sister Susie or Brother Joe. And, therein lies, the problem. Not so much that performance is required, but that in performing, we begin to compare ourselves to and measuring ourselves by other people who are imperfect just as we are.

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12.7)

Our personal value, in GOD'S eyes, has nothing to do with what anyone else did, does, or will do. Our personal value, in GOD'S eyes, has nothing to do with what we did, are doing, or will do. If that were the case, we'd all be without hope; as it is written in Romans 3.23, ...for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...

When all is said and done, our personal value to GOD will be measured by GOD based solely on our relationship with HIM versus what we have done for HIM (being versus doing). Does this mean that we have nothing to do? Absolutely not! However, what we do (performance) MUST always flow out of our relationship with HIM. From that intimate relationship with GOD THE FATHER, in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST, HE is able to govern and direct our performance by the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and, in accordance with the measure of faith and the measure of grace HE gives us as individual vessels (containers or conduits) of HIS Glory. This is the only standard that GOD will use to measure performance. Additionally, we should never presume that everything we do in the NAME of JESUS is of GOD. JESUS warns us against this un-GOD-ly presumption in the SCRIPTURES:

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7.23 KJV)


GOD desires our worship NOT our work-ship.

The psychological shift that takes us from a human-doing back to a human-being, as GOD intended, is a huge shift. Most, if not all, of us have become conditioned to associating our personal worth to what we have accomplished or failed in. Since we apply this standard to ourselves, we naturally use it to also measure the worth and success of others.

JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, and SAVIOR of the World, was known by HIS Works...HE was not defined by them.

But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. (John 10.38 KJV)

JESUS is saying that HIS Works were and are a product of HIS Relationship with HIS FATHER. They are not the product of HIS Personal Agenda or HIS Personal 5-Year Plan. HE understood HIS FATHER'S Will intimately through relationship and worship. The relationship produced the works, the works did not produce the relationship. The same must be the case for us, especially today.

13 Things We Can "Do" For The LORD

1. Love HIM
2. Honor HIM
3. Worship HIM
4. Seek HIM
5. Celebrate HIM
6. Praise HIM
7. Wait on HIM
8. Minister to HIM
9. Abide in HIM
10. Exalt HIM
11. Humble ourselves before HIM
12. Submit to HIM
13. Let (Allow) HIM to work through us

12 Works (Accomplishments) That Will Flow Out Of Our Passionate Love For And Worship Of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, OUR FATHER

1. Cast out demons.
2. Lay hands on the sick and they will recover.
3. Souls saved.
4. Deliverance from bondages.
5. Strongholds torn down.
6. Generational curses destroyed and reversed.
7. Love others as we love ourselves (with GOD-ly love).
8. Manifested evidence that GOD'S Kingdom has come to earth in and through us.
9. Bearing of one another's burdens.
10. Preaching of the GOSPEL to the ends of the earth.
11. Every need met.
12. Lives forever transformed to the glory of GOD alone.

GOD is pleased with our relentless pursuit of HIM in every moment of our lives. Every breath we breathe must be marked by a passionate desire to be closer to HIM rather than another item crossed off the "To Do" list. There is no greater accomplishment for us to seek than to know GOD and to be known of HIM. This and this alone is and will be the ultimate measure of personal worth.

For Additional Reference and Study

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2.8-9 KJV)

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15.5 KJV)


Anonymous said...

This was beautifully written. It should be required reading for me at least weekly-if not daily. Thanks so much for articulating what I knew in my spirit.

debbi grim

Anonymous said...

A timely teaching for the body of Christ to shed the garment of works and put on the garment of intimacy with our Lord. It's all about HIM and relationship.

Thanks for sharing your gift.

Anonymous said...

Your heart is both 'in tune' and 'in touch' with many 'Christians' who are hurting and unsure of themselves in so many ways. I, for one, really needed to feel the Lord personally heal me where I am, today, and He so lovingly has through your precious words. God's Word, through you, gives one such hope and courage to continue to 'press on.' Please continue to allow yourself to be used as a priceless vessel for the Lord, as He speaks through you, in such a loving, yet, firm way. You are truly called to share His love and it shows.

tanceana reynard