Wednesday, August 13, 2008

HIS PRESENCE or HIS Presents? You Choose.

Question: Would you rather be loved for who you are OR for what you have or can do for someone? For most of us, whether young or old, rich or poor, our heartfelt desire is to be loved for who we are. Ironically, however, we most often relate to others on the basis what they have to give to us or what they can do for us? Sadly, this is painfully evident in our relationship, with GOD.

GOD'S Relationship with us is based solely on HIS unfathomable love for us. HE loves us because we are HIS. Unfortunately, our love of GOD is usually based on what HE did, does, or will do. What he gave, gives, and will give. While HIS Exploits and HIS Blessings are marvelous beyond expression, we are shamefully deceived if we base our love, praise, and worship of HIM upon them. In fact, we cannot truly say we "love" GOD if our relationship with HIM and our response to HIM is contingent upon what HE'S given to us or done for us lately...this is not love at all.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5.8 KJV)

Every manifestation of GOD'S Love results in a blessing to HIS Loved Ones. GOD'S Love required HIM to give the Most Precious Gift in the Universe, HIS Only Begotten SON, JESUS, SAVIOR of the World. Despite the cost, HE gave, and HE did so at a time when we were essentially dead and worthless to HIM. But, Glory to HIS HOLY NAME, the power of HIS Love, redeemed us and continues to transform us into priceless vessels.

Our Westernized, convenience-seeking, materialistic minds struggle with the concept of giving unconditional love, yet by nature, our hearts' cry is to be loved unconditionally ourselves. We want to be loved for our presence rather than our presents. Since we are created in HIS Image and Likeness, how much more do you think that GOD desires unconditional love from us?

10 Things You Need To Know About The Love of GOD

1. It is NOT the same as the world's is polar opposite.
2. It is a spiritual force that overcomes and bears up under the weight of our imperfection and perfects us in HIM all at the same time.
3. It prefers giving to getting.
4. It seeks to bless rather than to be blessed.
5. It fuels faith.
6. It is the law of the Kingdom of GOD.
7. It is shed abroad (poured out) in our hearts by the HOLY SPIRIT.
8. Nothing can separate us from it (unless we allow something to separate us from it).
9. It cannot be expressed with words, only with action.
10. It requires us to give and/or to lay down what is most precious to us...our lives (which are worthless without HIS Love anyway).

7 Facts GOD Reveals In The BIBLE About HIS LOVE

1. The love of many shall wax (grow) cold.
2. Some that say they love GOD have not the love of GOD in them.
3. It constrains and compels us.
4. It passes knowledge.
5. It requires that we take care of and prefer others over ourselves.
6. HE judges how we love HIM by what we do, according to HIS Word and the leading of HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
7. We are to keep ourselves in it.

The world system teaches us that we can judge how much someone loves us by what they buy for us, how much they can benefit us (socially, financially, politically, etc.), and their ability to elevate our status in the eyes of society. To our embarrassment, this is also true in the Body of CHRIST (the Church).

GOD, however, challenges us to take a lower position or, at least, to take a lower view of ourselves in order to allow the love of GOD to reach out to others through us and elevate them.

The world's way = seek self-elevation (self-ishness)
GOD'S Way = seek to elevate others (self-lessness)

GOD'S Way, as we should know, is eternally perfect. When we continually seek opportunities to take what we can get (even if it's at the expense of others), then as the SCRIPTURES tell us, we have our just reward. When, on the other hand, we continually seek opportunities to ensure that the needs of others are met (spiritual, physical, material, etc.) in the love of GOD and by the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT, then we know that there is a reward from GOD, The FATHER, that cannot be measured. True, unconditional, 1 Corinthians 13 love, though, does not consider the ROI (return on investment). The primary reward for those of us operating in the love of GOD, or desiring to, is the high and holy privilege of having received GOD'S Love, and being able to be able to share it with others...this is reward enough.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. (Matthew 22.37-38 KJV).

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22.39-40 KJV)

When we get a clear picture of WHO GOD IS (HIS PRESENCE), only then can we begin to understand why HE gives what HE gives and does what HE does (HIS Presents).

HE has given us, by the NAME and by the BLOOD of HIS DEAR SON, JESUS CHRIST, the honor and the privilege of knowing HIM.

When we know HIM, we will love HIM.
When we love HIM, we will love others.
When we love others, HIS Law is fulfilled.
When HIS Law is fulfilled, HIS Kingdom is manifested in the Earth as it is in HEAVEN.

Believe me, I like presents as much as the next person. But, exactly how long does it take for the shiny newness of that "thing" to wear off and we're on to the next? If we're painfully honest, not very long at all.

In our worship of the FATHER, public or private, we need to stop asking what we can get from HIM. We need to stop asking what HE'S going to do and when HE'S going to do it. As we abide in HIS PRESENCE every moment of our lives, we have everything we need and more because HE didn't just die to "save us", HE died to be salvation to us. HE literally died so that HE could give HIMSELF to us.

We need to worship HIM with our every breath. As we enter into and abide in HIS PRESENCE, the only questions we need to be asking are, "FATHER, what can I give YOU today? What can I do for YOU as an expression of my gratitude for the awesome, incredible, and humbling gift of YOUR Love YOU gave to me in and through YOUR HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST?

The greatest Present GOD gave us and continues to give us is HIS PRESENCE. Whatever you desire of the LORD today, HE will give you. If it's more of HIM, you have it. If it's more of HIS "Stuff", you have it. It's quite simple really, you can love GOD for WHO HE IS or for what HE can do for you. What will you choose?

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