Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Created In HIM (Part 1)

In a recent post, I wrote that this year (2009) is the Year of HIS Bride. That is, at least, according to the revelation that the HOLY SPIRIT has given me.

I think it is easy for us, all too often, to eagerly receive revelation and want to share it with whoever will listen without giving equal place to truly understanding what GOD is really communicating to us. I hope to avoid this by, at the very least, asking the right questions. It is only in asking the right questions that we can get the right answers. While there is no so such thing as a dumb question, I do believe we can ask questions that do not give us the answers we seek.

That said, it is not enough to get revelation from GOD. We must also be deeply committed to greater understanding of the revelation. We should desire earnestly to hear the WORD of the LORD, and, to equally desire getting an understanding by the HOLY SPIRIT that allows the HOLY SPIRIT to execute that Word through our willingly yielded vessels.

We are never given the Word or a revelation so that we can handle it on our own (as in apart from the HOLY SPIRIT). Rather, we are given the Word so that we can choose to yield to the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, so that HE can further reveal the plan of GOD and lead us in all truth (this includes appropriate application and execution of that Word).

Never our will; only HIS. Never our plan; only HIS as revealed by the HOLY SPIRIT. Never our power; only HIS working through us (once again, the HOLY SPIRIT WHO is the Power of GOD). We are to be con-du-its never can-do-its.

In continuing to seek the LORD about he revelation that this is the year of HIS Bride, we have to first understand that we were/are created in HIM.

Ephesians is one of the books in the BIBLE that clearly illustrates the union/relationship between CHRIST and HIS Bride (the Church, without spot or wrinkle) and how that relationship is manifested in the union/relationship between a Husband and his bride, his wo-man, his wife.

My next several posts will take a closer look at the holy "clues" that GOD has given to us in HIS Word about the spiritual truth and power of being created in HIM. If we are to truly be intimate in our worship of GOD, we have to fully comprehend the concept of being in HIM or married to HIM.

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